All Hallows Evening Prayer for Sunday Evening (October 17, 2021)

 Evening Prayer

The Service of Light

Jesus Christ is the light of the world.
A light no darkness can extinguish.

Open this link to hear Carl P. Schalk’s choral arrangement “Joyous Light of Glory.”

Joyous light ,
joyous light, of glory
of the immortal Father,
Heavenly, holy, blessed Jesus Christ,
We have come to the setting of the Sun
And we look to the evening light.
We sing to God,
we sing to God,
we sing to God,
we sing to God
the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
You, you are worthy of being praised,
of being praised with pure voices forever.
O Son of God,
O Son of God,
O Son of God,
O Son of God
O Giver of life,
The universe proclaims your glory.


Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Blessed are you, Creator of the universe,
from old you have led your people by night and day.
May the light of your Christ make our darkness bright,
for your Word and your presence are the light of our pathways,
and you are the light and life of all creation.

Psalm 141 is sung and incense may be burned.

Open this link in a new tab to hear Mia Koehne’s arrangement of Psalm 141 from the Lutheran Service Book.

Let my prayer rise before you as incense,
the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.
O Lord, I call you; come to me quickly;
Hear my voice when I cry to you.
Let my prayer rise before you as incense,
the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.
Set a watch before my mouth, O Lord,
and guard the door of my lips.
Let not my heart incline to any evil thing;
let me not be occupied with wickedness of evildoers.
But my eyes are turned to you, O God,
in you I take refuge.
Strip me not of my life.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and will be forever. Amen.
Let my prayer rise before you as incense,
the lifting up of my hands as the evening,
as the evening,
Oh, as the evening sacrifice.

Silence is kept.

May our prayers come before you, O God, as incense, and may your presence surround and fill us, so that in union with all creation, we might sing your praise and your love in our lives. Amen.

The Psalms

Silence is kept.

Open this link to hear Kiran Young Wimberly’s adaptation of Psalm 121, “I Lift My Eyes Up to the Hills.”

I lift my eyes up to the hills
where does my help come from?
I lift my eyes up to the hills
where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord above,
the Lord of heaven and earth.
The One who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleeps

[Instrumental interlude]

The Lord who watches over Israel
is your shade at your right hand.
The sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon harm you by night.

The Lord will keep you from all harm;
and will watch over your life.
watch over you as you come and go
now and forevermore.

[Instrumental interlude]

The Lord will keep you from all harm;
and will watch over your life.
watch over you as you come and go
now and forevermore,
now and forevermore.

Silence is kept.

Lord, ever watchful and faithful,
we look to you to be our defense
and we lift our hearts to know your help;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Proclamation of the Word

The Reading

Galatians 5: 21-25 The Fruit of the Spirit

The activities of the lower nature are obvious. Here is a list: sexual immorality, impurity of mind, sensuality, worship of false gods, witchcraft, hatred, quarrelling, jealousy, bad temper, rivalry, factions, party-spirit, envy, drunkenness, orgies and things like that. I solemnly assure you, as I did before, that those who indulge in such things will never inherit God’s kingdom.

The Spirit however, produces in human life fruits such as these: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, fidelity, tolerance and self-control—and no law exists against any of them. Those who belong to Christ have crucified their old nature with all that it loved and lusted for. If our lives are centred in the Spirit, let us be guided by the Spirit.

Silence is kept.

May your word live in us
and bear much fruit to your glory

The Homily

A Kindhearted People for a Kindhearted God

I have had kindness on my mind a great deal lately. I see a lot of unkindness in the world and I have experienced it myself. What is the most troubling is that Christians who once were known for their kindness to others are now among those who are showing unkindness toward them. They are ghosting people and acting in other ways which are unkind, and which are not in the spirit of what Jesus taught and practiced.

What does the New Testament tell us about kindness? Let's take a look.

Treat other people exactly as we would like them to treat us, we are told Jesus has instructed his disciples. We are to love our enemies and do good and lend without hope of return. Our reward will be wonderful. We will be children of God. For God is kind even to the ungrateful and the wicked! (Luke 6:31-35)

In generations gone by, we are told, God has left evidence of himself. God has shown kindnesses to us. God has sent us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, giving us food and happiness to our hearts’ content. (Acts 14:16-17)

We are not to misinterpret God’s generosity, patience, and mercy towards us as weakness on his part. God’s kindness is meant to lead us to repentance. (Romans 2:4)

In today’s reading, Galatians 5: 21-25, we are told that kindness is one of the fruit of the Spirit, a manifestation of God’s presence and power working in us.

Although we were dead in our sins God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love God has for us, gave us new life in Jesus. It is by grace and not by our own efforts that we are saved. In doing so, God has shown for all time the tremendous generosity of the grace and kindness he has expressed towards us in Jesus. It is nothing we could or have achieved on our own—it is God’s gift to us. (Ephesians 2:4-10)

We are not to be angry and resentful toward each other. We are not to lose our temper with each other. We are not to be nasty to each other. We are not to intimidate each other. We are not to make false and damaging statements about each other. We are not to make remarks intended to harm each other. We are to be kind to each other, to be understanding. We are to be as ready to forgive others as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven us. (Ephesians 4: 31-32)

We are to “be merciful in action, kindly in heart, humble in mind.” We are to “be most patient and tolerant with one another,” always ready to forgive if we have a difference with anyone. We are to forgive as freely as the Lord has forgiven us. Above all else, we are to “be truly loving, for love is the golden chain of all the virtues. “(Colossians 3:12-14)

We are to “do good, to be rich in kindly actions, to be ready to give to others and to sympathize with those in distress." (1 Timothy 6:17-19 )

Those who serve the Lord must be kind to all. (2 Timothy 2:24-26)

Older women should set a good example for younger women in being kind and sympathetic to others so younger women learn to be kind-hearted too. (Titus 2:1-8)

“The wisdom that comes from God,” we are told, “is first utterly pure, then peace-loving, gentle, approachable, full of tolerant thoughts and kindly actions...” (James 3:17-18)

Having shown us kindness, God now expects us to show kindness to our fellow human beings and our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are expected to be compassionate, loving, sympathetic, generous, unselfish, caring, helpful, and to think of other people’s feelings. They are not the only things that God expects from us.

If we are not trying to live up to these expectations, we need to take a good, hard look at what is going on in our lives that is keeping us from trying to live up to them. What is holding us back? How might we, with the help of God’s grace, overcome what is impeding us? How might we help each other?

John Wesley organized the early Methodists into “classes,” or small groups. In these groups, the early Methodists shared with each other what was going on in their lives. This included what was hindering their growth as disciples of Jesus. They encouraged and supported each other. 

These groups were not allowed to grow larger than 20 people. Once a group reached 20 people, it was divided into two groups. In too larger group, the people in the group could avoid sharng what was happening in their lives. They were also less likely to deal with the obstacles to their spiritual growth.

We always moving in one direction or another spiritually. If we are not moving forward, we are moving backwards. God has put us in each other's lives to help us keep moving forward, sometimes in the most surprising ways, to help us keep  growing as a kindhearted people for a kindhearted God. 

Silence is kept.

The Gospel Canticle

Open this link in a new tab to hear Ann Krentz’s choral arrangement of “My Soul Proclaims Your Greatness.”

My soul proclaims your greatness, O Lord;
I sing my Savior’s praise!
Great wonders you have done for me,
and holy is your name.

My soul proclaims your greatness, Lord;
I sing my Savior’s praise!
You looked upon my lowliness,
and I am full of grace.
Now ev’ry land and ev’ry age
this blessing shall proclaim—
great wonders you have done for me,
and holy is your name.

My soul proclaims your greatness, O Lord;
I sing my Savior’s praise!
Great wonders you have done for me,
and holy is your name.

To all who live in holy fear
Your mercy ever flows.
With mighty arm you dash the proud,
Their scheming hearts expose.
The ruthless you have cast aside,
the lonely throned instead;
the hungry filled with all good things,
the rich sent off unfed.

My soul proclaims your greatness, O Lord;
I sing my Savior’s praise!
Great wonders you have done for me,
and holy is your name.

To Israel, your servant blest,
your help is ever sure;
the promise to our parents made
their children will secure.
Sing glory to the Holy One,
give honor to the Word,
and praise the Pow’r of the Most High,
one God, by all adored.

My soul proclaims your greatness, O Lord;
I sing my Savior’s praise!
Great wonders you have done for me,
and holy is your name,
and holy is your name.


Let us complete our evening prayer to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For peace from on high and our salvation, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For the welfare of all churches and for the unity of the human family, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For (name), our bishop, and (name), our pastor, and for all ministers of the Gospel, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For our nation, its government, and for all who serve and protect us, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For this city (town, university, monastery…). For every city and community, and for all those living in them, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For the good earth which God has given us and for the wisdom and will to conserve it, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For the safety of travelers, the recovery of the sick, the care of the destitute and the release of prisoners, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For an angel of peace to guide and protect us, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For a peaceful evening and a night free from sin, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For a Christian end to our lives and for all who have fallen asleep in Christ, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

In the communion of the Holy Spirit (and of all the saints), let us commend ourselves and one another to the living God through Christ our Lord.
To you, O Lord.

Free Prayer

In silent or spontaneous prayer all bring before God the concerns of the day.

The Collect

In darkness and in light,
in trouble and in joy,
help us, heavenly Father,
to trust your love,
to serve your purpose,
and to praise your name,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Lord's Prayer

And now, as our Saviour has taught us,
we are bold to say,

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory
for ever and ever.


Open this link in a new tab to hear Douglas Nolan’s choral arrangement of Karen Crane’s “Where There Is Love.”

Where there is love,
doors are opened
hope restored
and fears released.
Where there is love
the path is clear.
Oh, let the light of love live in me.

Where there is love,
hearts are mended,
grace bestowed
and souls redeemed.
Where there is love,
we can begin.
Oh, let the light of love live in me.

Oh, let God’s love flow through me,
like the air I breathe,
every word that I say
be a testament of grace.
In my song, in my prayer,
love will flourish there.
Love will heal and restore.
Let me shine love’s light evermore.

Where there is love,
chains are broken,
spirits soar,
and hearts are set free.
Where there is love,
All things are possible.
Oh, let the light of love live in me.
Let the light of love live in me.
Let there be love.

The Lord be with you.
The Lord bless you.
Let us praise the Lord,
Thanks be to God.

May God, Creator, bless us and keep us,
may Christ be ever light for our lives,
may the Spirit of love be our guide and path,
for all of our days. Amen.
