All Hallows Evening Prayer for the Feast of Pentecost (May 23, 2021)


Evening Prayer

The Service of Light

Jesus Christ is the light of the world.
A light no darkness can extinguish.

Open this link to hear Carl P. Schalk’s choral arrangement “Joyous Light of Glory.”

Joyous light ,
joyous light, of glory
of the immortal Father,
Heavenly, holy, blessed Jesus Christ,
We have come to the setting of the Sun
And we look to the evening light.
We sing to God,
we sing to God,
we sing to God,
we sing to God
the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
You, you are worthy of being praised,
of being praised with pure voices forever.
O Son of God,
O Son of God,
O Son of God,
O Son of God
O Giver of life,
The universe proclaims your glory.


Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Blessed are you, O Lord Redeemer God,
You destroyed the bonds of death
and from the darkness of the tomb
drew forth the light of the world.
Led through the waters of death.
we become the children of light
singing our Alleluia
and dancing to the music of new life.
Pour out your Spirit upon us
that dreams and visions bring us
ever closer to the kingdom
of Jesus Christ our Risen Savior.
Through him and in the Holy Spirit
all glory be to you, Almighty Father,
this night and for ever and ever.

Psalm 141 is sung and incense may be burned.

Open this link in a new tab to hear Peter Inwood’s setting of Psalm 141, “O Lord, Let My Prayer Rise Before You Like Incense.”

O Lord, let my prayer rise before you like incense,
my hands like an evening offering.

1. Lord, I am calling:
hasten to help me.
Listen to me as I cry to you.
Let my prayer rise before you like incense,
my hands like an evening offering.

O Lord, let my prayer rise before you like incense,
my hands like an evening offering.

2. Lord, set a guard at my mouth,
keep watch at the gate of my lips.
Let my heart not turn to things that are wrong,
to sharing the evil deeds done by the sinful.
No, I will never taste their delights.

O Lord, let my prayer rise before you like incense,
my hands like an evening offering.

3. The good may reprove me,
in kindness chastise me,
but the wicked shall never anoint my head.
Ev’ry day I counter their malice with prayer.

O Lord, let my prayer rise before you like incense,
my hands like an evening offering.

4 To you, Lord, my God, my eyes are turned:
in you I take refuge;
do not forsake me.
Keep me from the traps they have set for me,
from the snares of those who do evil.

O Lord, let my prayer rise before you like incense,
my hands like an evening offering.

5 Praise to the Father, praise to the Son,
all praise to the life-giving Spirit.
As it was, is now and shall always be
for ages unending. Amen.

O Lord, let my prayer rise before you as incense,
my hands like an evening offering.

Silence is kept.

Let the incense of our repentant prayer ascend before you, O Lord, and let your loving kindness descend upon us, that with purified minds we may sing your praises with the Church on earth and the whole heavenly host, and may glorify you forever and ever. Amen.

The Psalms

Open this link in a new tab to hear Marty Haugen’s choral arrangement of Psalm 104 “Send Forth Your Spirit, O God.”

Send forth your spirit, O God,
send forth your spirit, O God,
and renew the earth,
renew the earth,
send forth your spirit, O God.

Bless the Lord, O my soul.
O God you are great indeed!
You are clothed in majesty and splendor,
and adorned in a robe of light.

Send forth your spirit, O God,
send forth your spirit, O God,
and renew the earth,
renew the earth,
send forth your spirit, O God.

O God, how countless are your works!
By your wisdom you fashioned them all.
All the earth is filled with your creatures,
oceans teem with the life you made.

Send forth your spirit, O God,
send forth your spirit, O God,
and renew the earth,
renew the earth,
send forth your spirit, O God.

All that lives looks to you in hope
to give them their food in due season:
you open your hand, they feast on good things,
you hide your face and they are lost.

Send forth your spirit, O God,
send forth your spirit, O God,
and renew the earth,
renew the earth,
send forth your spirit, O God.

I will sing to my God
while I live;
may the prayer of my heart
please my Lord.
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
praise the Holy One!
Forevermore give praise to God.

Send forth your spirit, O God
send forth your spirit, O God
and renew the earth,
renew the earth,
send forth your spirit, O God.
Send forth your spirit, O God
send forth your spirit, O God
and renew the earth,
renew the earth,
send forth your spirit, O God

Silence is kept.

Creator God,
send your Holy Spirit to renew this living world,
that the whole creation,
in its groaning and striving,
may know your loving purpose
and come to reflect your glory;
in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Open this link in a new tab to hear Henry William Baker/Jubilate Hymns’ “O Holy Spirit, Come to Bless (O Holy Ghost, Thy People Bless)”

1 O Holy Spirit, come to bless
your waiting church, we pray:
we long to grow in holiness
as children of the day.

2 Great Gift of our ascended king,
his saving truth reveal,
our tongues inspire his praise to sing,
our hearts his love to feel.

3 O come, creator Spirit, move
as on the formless deep;
give life and order, light and love,
where now is death or sleep.

4 We offer up to you, O Lord,
ourselves to be your throne,
our every thought and deed and word
to make your glory known.

5 O Holy Spirit, Lord of might,
through you all grace is given:
grant us to know and serve aright
one God in earth and heaven.

The Proclamation of the Word

The Reading

Romans 8: 18-30 Future Glory

I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God; for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and will obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labor pains until now; and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn within a large family. And those whom he predestined he also called; and those whom he called he also justified; and those whom he justified he also glorified.

Silence is kept

May your word live in us
and bear much fruit to your glory.

The Homily

With Sighs to Deep for Words

Prayer can be a struggle. We may have set aside a regular time to pray each day but when that time rolls around, we find ourselves at a loss for words. On those occasions Paul’s words in today’s reading can be a source of comfort and encouragement.

“… the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.”

Earlier in his letter Paul writes the members of the church at Rome that the Spirit of God dwells in those who believe in Jesus, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, the same Spirit that enables us to cry “Abba! Father!” to God, the same Spirit that testifies to our spirit that we are children of God.

The Spirit of the God is the Helper that Jesus promised to send to his disciples, the same Spirit that fell upon those present in the upper room on the Feast of Pentecost with the sound of rushing wind and tongues of fire.

The Spirit of God who dwells in us is God himself. Not a force, Not a form of energy. But the one true God. Think about that for a moment. Take your time.

We have God himself interceding for us in heaven and on earth. It says a lot about how much God really loves us, how much he really cares for us.

With this knowledge we may be tempted to say to ourselves, “If the Spirit of God is interceding for me, why do I need to pray? The Spirit is praying for me.”

When Jesus gave his disciples the Lord’s Prayer, he did not tell them, “if you pray, pray like this….” He said, “when you pray.” He assumed that they prayed. Jesus often retreated to a quiet place to pray, to commune with God. We were created to enjoy fellowship with God. God desires that we open our hearts to him, that we share our innermost thoughts and feelings with him. As the nineteenth century Bishop of Liverpool J. C. Ryle observed, we cannot have a relationship with someone with whom we never talk. Prayer is necessary to having a relationship with God.

On those occasions I find myself at a loss for words, I will pray, “I am stuck, Lord. Please help me.” God may bring to my mind a concern that he wishes for me to share with him.

In C. S. Lewis’ The Horse and His Boy there is a part of the story in which Shasta is crossing a mountain on unfamiliar path in a heavy fog. He senses a presence near him in the mist, a presence that he cannot see and who is pacing him. He is frightened because he does not know who or what it is. It is Aslan but he does not know that. Despite his fear he calls out to whoever or whatever is pacing him and Aslan answers. In the ensuing conversation Aslan says, “Tell me your sorrows.” Shasta pours out his unhappiness and grief to Aslan.

God, like Aslan prompted Shasta, will prompt us to share our sorrows with him, all the troubles that have befallen us, our disappointments, and our sadness.

The loving parent that God is, he wants to hear our joys as well as our sorrows. God desires that we share our happiness with him. That includes the small things which give us pleasure—the beauty of a flower, the song of a bird, the brightness of the moon, the look of delight on a loved one’s face, the company of a friend.

When you pray this week, remember this: God is not off somewhere in a far corner of his creation. He is with us wherever we are. He is closer to us than the cornea of one of our eyes. The God who dwells in the highest heavens also dwells in our hearts, in our inner most selves.

Silence is kept.

The Gospel Canticle

Open this link in a new tab to hear Ann Krentz’s choral arrangement of “My Soul Proclaims Your Greatness.”

My soul proclaims your greatness, O Lord;
I sing my Savior’s praise!
Great wonders you have done for me,
and holy is your name.

My soul proclaims your greatness, Lord;
I sing my Savior’s praise!
You looked upon my lowliness,
and I am full of grace.
Now ev’ry land and ev’ry age
this blessing shall proclaim—
great wonders you have done for me,
and holy is your name.

My soul proclaims your greatness, O Lord;
I sing my Savior’s praise!
Great wonders you have done for me,
and holy is your name.

To all who live in holy fear
Your mercy ever flows.
With mighty arm you dash the proud,
Their scheming hearts expose.
The ruthless you have cast aside,
the lonely throned instead;
the hungry filled with all good things,
the rich sent off unfed.

My soul proclaims your greatness, O Lord;
I sing my Savior’s praise!
Great wonders you have done for me,
and holy is your name.

To Israel, your servant blest,
your help is ever sure;
the promise to our parents made
their children will secure.
Sing glory to the Holy One,
give honor to the Word,
and praise the Pow’r of the Most High,
one God, by all adored.

My soul proclaims your greatness, O Lord;
I sing my Savior’s praise!
Great wonders you have done for me,
and holy is your name,
and holy is your name.


Let us complete our evening prayer to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For peace from on high and our salvation, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For the welfare of all churches and for the unity of the human family, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For (name), our bishop, and (name), our pastor, and for all ministers of the Gospel, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For our nation, its government, and for all who serve and protect us, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For this city (town, university, monastery…). For every city and community, and for all those living in them, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For the good earth which God has given us and for the wisdom and will to conserve it, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For the safety of travelers, the recovery of the sick, the care of the destitute and the release of prisoners, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For an angel of peace to guide and protect us, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For a peaceful evening and a night free from sin, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

For a Christian end to our lives and for all who have fallen asleep in Christ, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy.

In the communion of the Holy Spirit (and of all the saints), let us commend ourselves and one another to the living God through Christ our Lord.
To you, O Lord.

Free Prayer

In silent or spontaneous prayer all bring before God the concerns of the day.

The Collect

Almighty God,
you sent your Holy Spirit
to be the light and life of your Church:
open our hearts to the riches of your grace.
that we may bring forth the fruit of the Spirit
in love, joy, and peace;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.

The Lord's Prayer

And now, as our Saviour has taught us,
we are bold to say,

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory
for ever and ever.


Open this link in a new tab to hear Timothy Dudley Smith’s hymn, “Spirit of God Within Me.”

1 Spirit of God within me,
possess my human frame;
fan the dull embers of my heart,
stir up the living flame.
Strive till that image Adam lost,
new minted and restored,
in shining splendour brightly bears
the likeness of the Lord.

2 Spirit of truth within me,
possess my thought and mind;
lighten anew the inward eye
by Satan rendered blind;
shine on the words that wisdom speaks
and grant me power to see
the truth made known to all in Christ,
and in that truth be free.

3 Spirit of love within me,
possess my hands and heart;
break through the bonds of self-concern
that seeks to stand apart:
grant me the love that suffers long,
that hopes, believes and bears,
the love fulfilled in sacrifice,
that cares as Jesus cares.

4 Spirit of life within me,
possess this life of mine;
come as the wind of heaven's breath,
come as the fire divine!
Spirit of Christ, the living Lord,
reign in this house of clay,
till from its dust with Christ I rise
to everlasting day.

The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Let us praise the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

Open this link in a new tab to hear Elaine Hagenberg’s setting of the traditional Irish blessing, “You Do Not Walk Alone.”

May you see God's light on the path ahead
when the road you walk is dark.
May you always hear
even in your hour of sorrow
the gentle singing of the lark.
When times are hard
may hardness never turn your heart to stone.
May you always remember when the shadows fall–
You do not walk alone.

May you see God's light on the path ahead
when the road you walk is dark.
May you always hear
even in your hour of sorrow
the gentle singing of the lark.
When times are hard
may hardness never turn your heart to stone.
May you always remember when the shadows fall–
You do not walk alone.
You do not walk alone.

May you see God's light on the path ahead
when the road you walk is dark.
May you always hear
even in your hour of sorrow
the gentle singing of the lark.
When times are hard
may hardness never turn your heart to stone.
May you always remember when the shadows fall–
You do not walk alone.
May you always remember when the shadows fall–
You do not walk alone.
